10 Bedroom Guest House in Walmer Port Elizabeth
We found them to be well versed in the running of a Guesthouse and in all areas that are required to run a Guesthouse successfully, especially knowledgeable in using Nightsbridge which is vital to a successful Guesthouse. Their guest relation skills were excellent and we only had high scoring reviews on Booking.Com during the time they looked after our Guesthouse. We have no hesitation in recommending Anneline and Mara as they are totally trustworthy which gave us peace of mind whilst we were travelling.
7 Bedroom Guest House in Somerset West
Baie dankie, ek waardeer julle so baie. So 'n blessing dat ek julle ontmoet het.
German Property Broker from Bavaria
Thank you very much for your care. You live up to the name of your company.
8 Bedroom 4 Star Guest Lodge in Plettenberg Bay
Just wanted to say thank you so much for looking after our guests and Lodge so well, it was really lovely being able to get away for a few days....
8 Bedroom 4 Star Guest House in Hilton
Thank you so much for all your hard work and implementing a smooth system.
13 Bedroom Guest House in Port Elizabeth
Gun my dan ook net die geleentheid om vir julle te bedank en geluk te wens hoe jul ons besigheid bestuur het die 2 weke wat jul in beheer was. Ons personeel, die gaste en almal wat met jul kontak gehad het kan nie uitgepraat raak oor jul gasvryheid/vriendelikheid en professionaliteit nie. Well done vir jul dit maak ons ongelooflik gelukkig en gerus om ons besigheid in jul bekwame hande te los.
4 Star Property in Herold's Bay
Wanneer dit tyd word vir gastehuis bestuurders vir 'n welverdiende wegbreek, dan word dit ook tyd om die uiters bekwame span van Pro- Management nader te roep! Hulle ken die gasvryheidsbedryf in al sy aspekte en bestuur gastehuise met groot toewyding en en verantwoordelikheid. Dit maak hulle ongetwyfeld altyd 'n EERSTE keuse vir aflosbestuur (locum -werk). Hulle is professioneel in optrede en voorkoms . 'n Volledige verslag word voorgelê nadat hulle jou gastehuis bestuur het. Pro- Management stel nooit teleur nie!
5 Star Boutique Guest House in Hermanus
...ek sou julle graag persoonlik wou bedank vir wat julle bereik het die afgelope 2 maande.....baie, baie dankie vir daardie uitstekende werk......
Cuest Farm in Ladismith
Thank you Mara and Anneline for coming to our establishment and updating our accommodation listings and putting us onto sites where we were not previously featured. You did a wonderful job. You were a real pleasure to work with and we loved all your input. Thanks for incorporating everyone into the project with positivity. Look forward to putting all suggestions into practice and that you will come again.
4 Star Guest House in Worcester
Pro-Management se dinamiese vroue is twee hardwerkende staatmakers. Hulle effektiewe bestuurstyl met betrekking tot kostebesparing, mense kennis om ons gaste welkom te laat voel en op die hande te dra sowel as personeel hantering was vir ons 'n groot aanwins. Ek kon met 'n geruste hart al my verantwoordelikhede aan hulle oorlaat. Sal graag weer in die toekoms van hul diens gebruik maak!
5 Star Guest House in St Francis Bay
.....and from the bottom of our hearts, for the love, care and expertise we have experienced from both of you at a time when we really, really needed it!
4 Star Guest House in Umkomaas
.....we found their work highly satisfactory and to our expectation.
5 Star Guest House in Umhlanga
Hi Mara and Anneline. Just a short message to say thank you for the excellent job you did in looking after our guesthouse this past period. Our time off is so precious to us and it is through your considerable efforts that we are able to take time off. So thank you once again.
Bushveld Lodge in Hilton KZN
Thank you Mara and Anneline for the outstanding work you have done the past 5 weeks. You are leaving a legacy behind
4 Star Guest Suites in Noordhoek Cape Town
Really Mara and Anneline, your impact on our business has been effective. You played an important role in our business with your three day counsel sessions.
4 Star Trout Farm in Dullstroom, Mpumalanga
They both have an outstanding work ethic and had no hesitation in putting in long hours when operationally it was required to attend to guests from early till late. They demonstrated great stamina and capability! They have a well-developed sense of responsibility and have no problem taking ownership of the property in their care, exhibiting a level of dedication beyond that expected of locums in this profession.
4 Star Luxury Guest Lodge in Hout Bay
They successfully handled all Operational and Management procedures during this period as well as my complement of 4 staff. They were faced with numerous challenges during my absence but handled all matters in a very professional manner, and it was a relief to know that without a prior relationship with them they managed the Lodge as I would have.
Large Beach Lodge in Oslo Beach KZN
I found them to be extremely professional and diligent in the way that they managed my Lodge. They took ownership of the situation and got on extremely well with my staff (11 Staff members). Their attention to detail is great and from the comments in the visitor's book it can clearly be seen that they put customer service first. I would recommend them without hesitation to any establishment as they are extremely reliable, honest and customer focused.
Bed and Breakfast in Simons Town
It is rare in these days to find people that under promise and over deliver to the extent that these ladies did.
4 Star Guest House & Self Catering Apartment Complex in Hermanus
I found them to be honest, efficient and able to use their own discretion.
4 Star Guest House in Worcester
The professional way in which they managed not only themselves and our guest house, but our 4 staff members can only be highly recommended. We certainly do not hesitate in recommending them as a proficient team, capable of coping with anything and everything thrown at them. We have a 4 star establishment with 8 double rooms and 2 fully equipped garden cottages each sleeping 6 people. While we were away they ran this whole lot at 70% occupancy, and still offered dinners most nights! To say that we were impressed would be an understatement!
3 Star Guest House in Shaka's Rock KZN
We would like to place on record our appreciation for the efficient and competent service you gave during our holiday away from our business. It was a relief to know that our guest house was in good hands.